Our free online course
AI @ Work.

The 10 most important AI use cases
incl. AI tools & recommendations.

95% improved efficiency
88% use AI
skills directly
92% increased AI confidence

Learn how to use AI for your most important work tasks in just 2 hours.

1. Task & Time Management

Uncover strategies to define, prioritize, and refine your to-do list. Our course teaches you how to leverage AI to transform your productivity.

2. Text Composition & Translation

Elevate your ability to craft, comprehend, and translate texts with AI.

3. Image Creation

Our course demystifies the process and limits of using AI in producing engaging visual content, blending art with the precision of technology.

4. Presentation Creation

Learn to leverage AI's efficiency to craft presentations that leave a lasting impact, all in record time.

5. Research & Data Analysis

Equip yourself with AI tools to extract actionable insights from data, making research and analysis tasks a breeze.

+ Meeting Management

+ Brainstorming & Idea Development

+ Forecasting & Decision-Making

+ Prompting Tips & Tricks

+ Security & Limitations

Free online course AI @ Work:
the boost for your efficiency & productivity at work.

You will learn the 10 most important AI use cases and a recommendation of selected AI tools.