Work smarter
with AI.

The first online platform for practical AI knowledge & skills. Learn how to use AI to be more efficient & productive at work.

Join 100+ active members

Become an AI pioneer.

In live sessions, online workshops & a private community you will learn the most important AI use cases & skills.

AI Club members
work in these companies:

Practical & specific AI training in a community.


Our AI content, live sessions & online workshops all have one thing in common: they focus on direct application and not on boring theory.

AI enablers

Our experienced AI Club enablers will teach you the most relevant knowledge & tips on AI tools & use cases. In our live Q&A sessions, you are able to ask questions directly.


The AI Club is a private community to close bonds with your fellow peers. You will learn with & from each other.

Use the AI revolution to your advantage.
Be at the forefront.

You lose time with manual & boring work.

You miss out on big opportunities.

Others will be faster & better than you.

You won't keep up!

You complete more tasks in less time.

You take advantage of new ideas & solutions.

You work smarter & more productively than everyone else.

You will become a top performer!

Selected AI Clubs.

In our free AI Club, you will learn how to complete everyday work tasks more efficiently with AI: from "creating presentations" to "following up on meetings" to "summarizing data". Depending on your job, there are many different AI use cases and tools that you need to master. Our Selected AI Clubs will take your AI knowledge and skills to the next level. You will get access to specific and practical AI content and training - specifically for your job.

Easy video creation with AI?

Cost-effective ad banners with AI?

Holistic company valuation with AI?

Automated HR workflows with AI?

Take the way you work to the next level.

Get to know the most important & latest AI tools and what you can use them for.

Join the
AI Club

The first 1.000 AI Club members will have free access forever.